© Junior Reis

Special: Easter raffle 2023

It's all about sparking joy!

This year again, our special countdown to Easter will take place on berlinmitkind.de and muenchenmitkind.de from 27.03. to 09.04.2023. Join us for this funny bunny give away!

Your advantages

  • article (with up to 3 photos and 2,000 characters of text) on the respective competition page
  • Social Media post of the current sweepstakes on the respective Facebook and Instagram accounts + Instagram Story
  • teaser of the daily sweepstakes on the homepage of the respective website
  • eye-catching announcement on the respective website, in our newsletters and via social media


Direct price: 452 Euro net
Agency price: 532 Euro net (minus 15 % AE)

Direct price: 399 Euro net
Agency price: 469 Euro net (less 15 % agency fee)

Pexels Eren Li 7169753 E1643883899329
© Eren Li

For a combined booking of both websites you get a discount of 5%!

Entry period: 1 day

Example of last year’s Easter competition can be found here. Further details on our competition conditions can be found in our online media data starting on page 2.

We look forward to your feedback and are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Kind regards,
Sophie Gottschall and Wenke Vendt

online-sales@himbeer-verlag.com, T: 030-92900573

All our raffles can be found here:

HIMBEER Gewinnspiele

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